Hi Admirals,

Some of you were asking for it, you were expecting it (or not), but now the time has come: The Imperial Navy – Additional ships deck is now ready!

But what is it, you ask me?

This 54-card deck contains all Navy ship not included in the regular Navy lists.
This includes all profiles published at the time in White Dward, BFG Magazine, etc, and compiled in the Additional Ships Compendium 1.4, as well as The Inquisition and Battlefleet Bakka; Ideal to complete your regular Navy fleet deck.

This includes:

Include all Navy ships from BFG Additional Ships Compendium 1.4.
Include all ships and Lord Admiral Rath for Battlefleet Bakka fleet lists from 2010 Compendium.
Include all ships and Inquisitor Lord for Inquisition fleet list from 2010 Compendium.
Include 2 Rogue Trader Cruisers and 2 Veteran Rogue Traders from 2010 Compendium.

You can find more info and complete card details here: Imperial Navy – Additional ships
