Hi Admirals, it’s time to give some news about the project!

1 – New deck: Additional ships for Chaos

I just published this 36-card deck containing all Chaos ship not included in the regular Chaos lists.
This includes all semi-official profiles published in White Dward, BFG Magazine, etc, and compiled in the Additional Ships Compendium 1.4

You can find that additional deck here : Additional ships for Chaos.

2 – Prices

I’ve recently been told that some prices for premium plastic decks have gone up slightly; I am not responsible for this increase.
It seems that, due to shortages, the PrinterStudio platform has increased its commission on the various products it offers, so I have no control over it, and I apologize for that.

This increase only concerns PrinterStudio decks, and does not impact the standard decks offered at DriveThruCards.

It also seems that some shipping costs are sometimes high depending on the delivery areas; For those who would be affected by this increase, do not hesitate to contact me on FB or directly on the Battlefleet Gothic Discord (Nickname: VinZ) to see together what can be done.

3 – Added « standard » versions of the latest decks on DriveThruCards

Recent Dark Eldar, Tau and Additional ships for Navy decks are now also available for purchase as regular cards on DriveThruCards at lower prices !

4 – Future

At this stage of the project, all the main factions have been covered, as well as the additional ship compendium 1.4 in complementary decks.
Having no other future plans for the BFG Fleet Deck project, once again I turn to the community to find out their desires and needs ;

What do you think should be the next step?
Do you have a faction that you would like to see realized? An other idea ? Feel free to add poll options !

What do you think should be the next step?
